FAQ is an acronym for Frequently Asked Questions. This FAQ is an attempt to provide a comprehensive source of information about the products of Ambrosia Software, Inc., and was created in response to questions that are frequently raised by our customers. We hope you find it useful.
If there are any questions you have about Ambrosia's Products that are not answered in this FAQ, please get in touch with us so we can include them in future revisions.
This document is provided as is, without any expressed or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document, the author assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
[A] - Here are some very brief capsule descriptions of Ambrosia Software's current product line:
AMBROSIA CD -- The Ambrosia CD, priced at $10, contains unregistered versions of Ambrosia's award-winning shareware, as well as a vast compilation of add-ons. The disc is also available at $5 with a software registration (an option to purchase the CD at this discounted rate appears on the web page you use to register (pay for) a product, and is only available in conjunction with a product registration).
The Ambrosia CD-ROM alleviates many of the distribution snafus that are common with shareware, eliminating complex, day-long downloads. It also acts as a permanent backup of all of the software. Additionally, it features a frontend that lets users install the software without dredging through the disc's folders.
Price: $10.00, or $5.00 when purchased with a product registration.
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Ware/
APEIRON (v1.0.3) -- During a port through the looking glass, the mirror shatters and your ethereal energy (you know, the stuff that allows you to get up and go to work on a Monday morning...) is trapped within one of the crystal shards. Immediately, the residents of the mushroom patch sense your presence. Lead by the Pentipede, this motley crew of mushroom patch misfits relentlessly hunt the crystal (you!), intent upon sucking out the trapped energy.
Inside Mac Games sums it up by saying "Apeiron's astounding graphics and sound coupled with its captivating gameplay make it a joy to play and a worthy successor to a classic such as Maelstrom."
Price: $15.00
Requires: 256 Color Screen, 13" or Greater
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Apeiron.html
AVARA (v1.0.1) -- Are you prepared for battle? Are you ready for Avara? Avara's real-time graphic action will start your heart pounding as you see your opponent gracefully bound across the terrain and quickly swoop in behind you. Using both the mouse and keyboard, you have complete 360 degree control to counter maneuver and quickly target your enemy. Avara's maneuverability is unique, allowing its warriors to freely climb, jump, and run on any of the structures in the battlefield.
Add to this Avara's networkability, and the game gets even more interesting. Avara allows you to meet and play against people from all around the world, right over the internet. Develop your skills and strategy in the many solo levels, and when you are ready, access the Avara Internet Tracker to locate worthy opponents. With Avara, you are also able to design your own battlefields. The only limiting factor to your gaming experience is your imagination.
Price: $20.00
Requires: 256 Color Screen, 040 or PowerPC recommended
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Avara.html
ARES (v1.1.1) -- Ares is an exciting blend of action and strategy in uncharted space. Use your ships to control and protect planets, increase your manufacturing capacity, and fuel your war machine. A shrewd pilot with limited resources can decisively outwit a stronger opponent, so planning and execution are critical. Strategy outmatches guns any day in this game.
Start with simple patrol missions, and work your way up to planetary invasions. Capture and hold strategic points, or your victory will be more costly! Send a swarm of ships to
engulf the enemy, or sacrifice a lone fighter to draw them into a trap! No technique is too unconventional in your quest to recapture your home planet.
Ares' developer, Nathan Lamont, has crafted an exciting universe with 20 strategic missions for a single player to accomplish. But the fun doesn't stop there! Two players can go
head-to-head via AppleTalk or the Internet. Ares even sports integration with Scott Kevill's GameRanger service, so finding an opponent should be a snap.
Price: $25.00
Requires: A 68040 or Power Macintosh computer with MacOS 7.5.3 or later, a 13" color monitor, and 6 MB of free RAM
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Ares.html
BARRACK (v1.0.4) -- Meticulously crafted by Greg Lovette, Barrack is a game that is hard to pigeonhole. It exhibits a precarious balance between action and strategy; thinking and reflex. The feeling you get from playing Barrack is an eccentric harmony between the automatic, mind-numbing pleasure of Tetris and the kind of action found in Maelstrom. The result is that you'll be left with sweat on your brow.
Barrack features stunning artwork, intense action, vibrant 8-channel stereo sound effects, and the addictiveness that comes standard in an Ambrosia game.
Price: $15.00
Requires: 256 Color Screen, 13" or Greater, 040 or PowerPC recommended
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Barrack.html
BUBBLE TROUBLE (v1.0.1) -- Welcome to Bubble Trouble folks, the latest game from Ambrosia in which cutthroat fishies are playing hardball in a squabble over some very wet turf. Think of it as splatball for insufferably cute seafaring critters (hey, they need their fun too).
Bubble Trouble╒s world is filled with lusciously-drawn cartoony critters who give that cranky crab from The Little Mermaid a run for his money. But money isn╒t what you╒ll be running from: an otherwise peaceful fish bowl has been filled with bubbles that are being tossed around in an enthralling game of ╥Squish the Fish!╙
Price: $15.00
Requires: 256 Color Screen, 13" or Greater, 040 or PowerPC recommended
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/BT.html
CHIRAL (v1.0.4) -- Chiral is a fusion between the scientific concept of atomic bonding and the addictive game play of Tetris. Players are challenged to form bonds between atoms to create inert molecules before the atoms overflow from a vial. Points are scored by the complexity of the molecular pattern and the speed with which it is assembled. Not to worry, a doctorate in atomic chemistry is not needed.
MacUser awarded this new definition of fun with their Shareware of the Year Award for 1994. MacWeek says "With the release of Chiral, Ambrosia is breaking its creative bonds...With repeated play comes an appreciation of the subtle beauty and elegant sophistication of its design." Inside Mac Games calls Chiral "a uniquely creative action-strategy game that is just as much fun to watch as it is to play."
Price: $15.00
Requires: 256 Color Screen
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Chiral.html
COLORSWITCH PRO (v1.2.2) -- ColorSwitch Pro takes the cue from Apple's vaunted Control Strip, adds many sorely-missed features to the mix, and packages it all up in a tidy, convenient pull-down menu that's always available when you need it.
ColorSwitch Pro allows you to master your Macintosh with a set of convenient controls for adjusting things such as PPP dial-up connections, network settings, speaker volume, monitor resolution and color depth, audio CDs, and more.
Simply pull down ColorSwitch Pro's handy icon-menu, select the setting you'd like to change, and instantly ColorSwitch Pro does your bidding. No more fiddling with a bevy of control panels or sacrificing your desktop space to Control Strip.
ColorSwitch Pro's real power lies in its Shortcuts feature: any combination of settings can be grouped together into a single Shortcut. For instance, you might have a "Game" Shortcut that switches your monitor to 640x480, 256 colors and cranks up the sound volume.
Price: $20.00
Requires: Any Color-Capable Macintosh, System 7 or later
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/CSP.html
CYTHERA (v1.0.4) -- Cythera casts you as the legendary saviour of a violently divided nation. Sensing the impending downfall of the King, the ruling houses of Cythera struggle for political power in the ancient land. Some will stop at nothing to sieze control.
While the houses labor to increase their own power, the neutral mages struggle for a higher consciousness and the betterment of humanity. They envision a world free from treachery and deceit. These students of the magick arts anxiously await the return of Alaric's mystical powers, as well as the end of the land's deadly slide toward chaos. But even they are unaware of the underlying tragedy which prepares to strike the land.
Price: $25.00
Requires: MacOS 7.6.1 or later, a 13" color monitor, and 12 MB of free RAM. A 68040 or PowerPC is recommended, as is a larger monitor.
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Cythera.html
ECLIPSE (v3.1.1) -- Flying toasters and exploding rabbits are fun for a while, but perhaps you╒re getting a little tired of using a screen saver that takes up huge amounts of disk space, devours memory, slows down your Macintosh, and causes inexplicable crashes?
Introducing Eclipse 3: a lean, mean, 100 percent PowerPC native screen saving machine that works great on 68K Macs as well. To eliminate the problem of Extension conflicts, we designed Eclipse 3 as an application so that it retains the benefits of Extension-based screen savers while avoiding their propensity to cause problems. After all, a screen saver is supposed to save your screen, not crash your machine.
Moreover, Eclipse doesn╒t merely dim the screen; it displays the current time floating on the screen, graphics (PICTs, JPEGs and GIFs) and QuickTime movies from a folder full of choices. You can select the graphics and movies to be displayed by dropping them into the Eclipse Graphics folder. In addition, Eclipse offers such conveniences as password protection, and you can customize its extensive feature set any way you like.
Price: $15.00
Requires: Color-Capable Macintosh and System 7 or later
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Eclipse.html
ESCAPE VELOCITY (v1.0.5) -- Escape Velocity spans a number of genres, combining elements of classic ╥trading╙ games, arcade space shoot-outs, and strategy simulations. Whether you choose to build a trading empire, aid the Rebellion in a civil war, or strike out on your own as a ruthless pirate, Escape Velocity provides a multitude of options for the game connoisseur. This open-ended gameplay allows each player to chart their own course as they play; there╒s no ╥right╙ way to play Escape Velocity, as long as you have fun!
Numerous sub-plots fill Escape Velocity╒s world; your choices affect the story╒s development, guaranteeing that each game will be different from the last. You╒ll have the opportunity to infiltrate hostile military bases, ferry emergency supplies to distant star systems, rescue passengers from stranded cruise ships, stop alien invaders, and more. In addition, Escape Velocity sports an open game engine. Future scenario designers will be able to create their own worlds for other players to explore.
Price: $20.00
Requires: 256 Color Screen, 13" or Greater, 040 or PowerPC recommended
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/EV.html
EV: OVERRIDE (v1.0.1) -- EV: Override is Ambrosia's huge follow up to the classic Escape Velocity. With an immersive story and universe created by Peter Cartwright, a new conflict begins to unfold. Much like the original game by Matt Burch, you are cast as a pioneering space captain with only a small shuttlecraft, a bit of money, and a strong sense of destiny. But the similarity ends there.
Override features a universe five times the size of the original game, and a slew of populated worlds within. Gone are the neverending wars which raged in the original game; instead, winning critical battles can change the face of the universe. Or, if you're happy with the existing balance of power, you can make a living as a humble trader. Just watch out for those pesky renegades, who want nothing more than to swipe the precious cargo from your holds.
Price: $25.00 ($15 with previous EV purchase)
Requires: 256 Color Screen, 13" or Greater; PowerPC or '040 recommended.
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/EVOverride.html
FERAZEL'S WAND (v1.0.3) -- In the mystical underground caverns of Teraknorn, the peaceful Habnabits gathered magical ziridium crystals and practiced their ancient magical arts. One horrible day, the evil insectoid Manditraki invaded, pillaged, and killed the Habnabits with impunity. Their quest - control of the ziridium mines - was given to them by their Dread Queen Xichra.
As the last of the free Habnabits, Ferazel must fight for the survival of his race, and wrest the control of ziridium from the filthy talons of evil. Journey across the seven lands of Teraknorn to the perilous Great western desert. Increase Ferazel's skill, stamina, and magic repertoire and avenge your Habnabit brethren. Anything less would amount to betrayal.
Ferazel's Wand - the most colossal game from Ambrosia to date - puts you inside the cloak of Ferazel. Jump, cast spells, and travel to the reaches of Teraknorn, enhancing your skill and learning new spells along the way. But each spell uses magic points, so use your magic wisely! Xichra is waiting for Ferazel in her lair - only with strength, wisdom, and experience can she be vanquished.
Price: $30.00 (CD shipping & handling included)
Requires: CD-ROM Drive, 256 Color Screen, 13" or Greater; PowerPC Only.
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Ferazel.html
HARRY THE HANDSOME EXECUTIVE (v1.0.1) -- From the time we enter grade school until our matriculation, we are indoctrinated with a drive to "make it" -- to ascend the corporate ladder, earn a large salary, and produce successful offspring. This game won't help you with any of that. It can, however, train you in the ways of the swivel chair, the most versatile piece of furniture since the ottoman with built-in soda fridge.
Join Harry the Handsome Executive as he scoots and kicks his swivel chair through the halls of ScumCo in this delightful action game developed by Ben Spees. The path to job security is fraught with many perils! Harry must avoid discomfort caused by dart-throwing middle managers, rebellious customer service drones, crazed chemists, and a host of other enemies. All the while, he must maintain corporate favor or risk the feared pink slip.
Price: $20.00
Requires: 256 Color Screen, 13" or Greater; 040 or PowerPC recommended
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Harry.html
MAELSTROM (v1.4.3) -- This Macintosh classic is what put Ambrosia on the map as the leading Macintosh shareware publisher. Maelstrom has received a four star rating from Macworld, the MacUser 1993 Best Shareware Game award, and the Shareware Industry Award for best game. Maelstrom also took first place in the 1994 Mac Home Journal Reader's Choice Awards.
With detailed color animation, four channels of digital sound, and smooth game play, Maelstrom takes full advantage of the Macintosh's multi-media capabilities. All the game needs is someone with guts and a thirst for glory in the pilot's seat.
Price: $15.00
Requires: Any Color-Capable Macintosh
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Maelstrom.html
MARS RISING (v1.0.2) -- Terran military assets on Mars and in Martian space were attacked in a devastating and overwhelming surprise attack. All but Deimos have been lost. Despite the magnitude of the loss and bewilderment as to how the Martian Defence Force could have seized control of the planet so easily, Terran Command has ordered a stategic retaliatory action against key Martian facilities. You are to strike from Deimos using prototype Vac-Fighters. It's a good thing you're wearing clean underwear.
Price: $20.00
Requires: 256 Color Screen, 13" or Greater; PowerPC Only
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/MR.html
SLITHEREENS (v1.0.0) -- Psychologists say that the limbic system controls the basic instincts for survival: feeding, fighting, self-preservation, and reproduction. Now there's a game that taps directly into these primal instincts: Slithereens, the new wise-crackin', snake-slidin' game from Ambrosia Software.
Set in the backyard of the evil Dr. Funkengruven, Slithereens is an adventure that will satisfy your appetite for action. You are Luther, a peaceful snake who was surgically sassified and imbued with a hunger for snakemeat. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of other snakes like you, each wanting the same thing: to munch on you!
Price: $20.00
Requires: OS 7.1 or later, 13" color monitor, and12 MB of RAM. An '040 or PowerPC is recommended.
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Slithereens.html
SNAPZ PRO (v2.0.1) -- Snapz Pro 2 is by far the most powerful, sensible, and economical screen capture solution for the Mac. Whether you're writing online manuals that require visual examples, or simply recording video of your flight simulator dogfighting skills, Snapz Pro is the ultimate utility for capturing moving or still pictures of your Mac.
Snapz Pro 2's rock-solid integration with QuickTime makes it ideal for recording movies that are optimized for the world wide web. You can make your training video, complete with your own narration, without worries about large file sizes or slow connections. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a fast-loading movie of your latest multimedia product in action is priceless. Snapz Pro 2 works with QuickTime to make all of your web demonstration dreams into low-bandwidth realities.
In addition to recording QuickTime movies, Snapz Pro 2 can also save pictures in PICT, GIF, and JPEG formats, as well as desktop publishing standby TIFF format, and the increasingly important PNG. No other Mac screen capture utility is as versatile.
Price: $40.00
Requires: OS 7.1 or later, QuickTime 2.1 or later for movie capture (QuickTime 3.0 or later required for some features). A PowerPC and a large hard drive are recommended for QuickTime capture.
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/SnapzPro.html
SWOOP (v1.0.2) -- Developed by David Wareing, of Adelaide, Australia, Swoop is an arcade classic combining pulse-quickening game play with state of the art computer animation and audio effects. Smooth flowing action, detailed full color graphics, and custom sound effects all provide for exciting game play. The only thing missing is the cash box in which to pump your coins.
Since the dawn of time, good people have always fought the iron glove of oppression. Never before has the fight been so desperate; never before have the stakes been so high. This time the fight is not over politics, religion, or territory. For now, the very survival of the human race hangs in the balance. The Swoopers have come.
Price: $15.00
Requires: 256 color screen, 13" or greater
Web Site: http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Swoop.html
[Q] - How can I obtain Ambrosia's products?
[A] - The latest versions of all our products are always available in the Ambrosia Software forums on the following services:
Ñ America Online: While you are signed on AOL, choose Keyword... from the GO TO menu, type FILESEARCH, and hit the return key.
Ñ CompuServe: While you are signed on CompuServe, use GO word AMBROSIA to reach the Mac Vendor D area, where Ambrosia Software, maintains a forum.
Ñ Internet: Visit our web site at http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/ or our ftp site at ftp://ftp.AmbrosiaSW.com/
Ñ Hotline: Visit our Hotline server at hotline://hotline.AmbrosiaSW.com/
You can now get all of our products on one CD. This CD contains unregistered versions of all of our games and utilities, plus lots of extra goodies. You can order this CD from our web site at http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Ware/ or you can call our toll free number 1-800-231-1816. This number is available from 8:30AM - 6PM EST, Monday through Friday.
We've made arrangements with the PD/Shareware distributor Arizona Mac Users Group so that they carry the full line of up-to-date Ambrosia products. To order an Ambrosia Software, Inc. product and have it sent to you on disk, please call AMUG at 602.553.8966. You can also fax your order, or any questions about ordering, to 602.553.8771.
[Q] - How can I get in touch with Ambrosia?
[A] - Please feel free to get in touch with us using any of the following methods: